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Solved General map of the Antilles for Caibbean Tales


I bought "Caribbean Tales" on GoG, to vary from "CoAS".
However, I am very confused because the general map of the Antilles is very different from that of CoAS, and I often navigate randomly.
I googled but found only CoAS maps or historical or realistic maps of the Antilles, but not the one specific to "Caribbean Tales", which is its own way. There are also different islands and cities.
Can anyone give me directions on how to find it?
P.S. I also found the old booklets of Age of Pirates - Caribbean Tales and Age of Pirates - City of Abandoned Ships (yes, I still have the two original DVDs, but they don't work); in the CoAS booklet there is the well-known map, attached. But in Caribbean Tales there is no map! It's a curse?
Yet I think I vaguely remember that playing ten years ago I visualized the general picture of the Antilles with the cities conquered and those to be conquered! Maybe.
I found this map in the game's files.


  • CTmap.png
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I found this map in the game's files.
Thank you!
It is evident that the localities are very different, and differently placed, with respect to the real geography and with respect to the CoAS map.
Anyway, that's enough.
Of course the game (... and the map ...) is quite crude and cumbersome ...
It's like a prep wiper for CoAS!
It is evident that the localities are very different, and differently placed, with respect to the real geography and with respect to the CoAS map.
Yes indeed!
Aruba and Curacao are completely missing. :shock

Of course the game (... and the map ...) is quite crude and cumbersome ...
It's like a prep wiper for CoAS!
Wouldn't it be something to have a game like these with the ABSOLUTELY ACTUAL Caribbean in it?
Including shallow areas, where small pirate boats can hide out but large naval vessels cannot go?

And while we're at it: realistic weather conditions.
That would immediately ensure that whatever happens in free play will have some very real relation to actual history. :cheeky
Yes indeed!
Aruba and Curacao are completely missing. :shock

Wouldn't it be something to have a game like these with the ABSOLUTELY ACTUAL Caribbean in it?
Including shallow areas, where small pirate boats can hide out but large naval vessels cannot go?

And while we're at it: realistic weather conditions.
That would immediately ensure that whatever happens in free play will have some very real relation to actual history. :cheeky
Aruba is not there (but it is not even in CoAS), but Curacao does exist, located far away and isolated in the SE corner of the map. There is no Cuba, and the whole coast is missing, and even Trinidad and Tobago.
Indeed, it is a roughly sketched game environment, as if it were a test for future developments.
On having a realistic, modern game, I agree, and I don't understand why no one, in the 12 years spent at CoAS, has ever had the initiative to do it. In the entire gaming landscape, Pirates and navigation games have been missing since then (apart from the "Black Flag" abortion of Assassin Creed, and a ridiculous game by Sid Meier, whose name I can't remember). The only ones who have worked well on this issue remain the "madmen" of Akella, who however have melted, disorganized, bungling and quarrelsome as they were, even if brilliant.
It would be enough for them to reorganize themselves, with a new game engine and new motivations!
And new money, of course! :rumgone
Aruba and Bonaire are missing.

For the most part, this map isn't terribly inaccurate. Certainly not more inaccurate than the PotC NH map. More like more accurate.

Of the more "substantial" islands, Trinidad/Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and maybe Barbuda and Anguilla are missing on both.
Aruba and Bonaire are missing.

For the most part, this map isn't terribly inaccurate. Certainly not more inaccurate than the PotC NH map. More like more accurate.

Of the more "substantial" islands, Trinidad/Tobago, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and maybe Barbuda and Anguilla are missing on both.

Ok. Of course all the maps in the Akella series are, in one way or another, incomplete if you compare the games with each other, and especially if you consider the real historical-geographical map of the Caribbean in the 17th century.
As far as I can remember, the most accurate map I have seen, in the games (... few ...) I owned, was in "Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas", an old and primitive game from 1999, of which I own still the original CD (!!) and booklet, but unfortunately I can't get it to work anymore. And which, probably, considering the gross graphics and game mechanics, I would find disappointing today.
However, in those days, it fascinated me.
On having a realistic, modern game, I agree, and I don't understand why no one, in the 12 years spent at CoAS, has ever had the initiative to do it.
Attempts were made.
Including one by ourselves here.

Easier said than done...

It would be enough for them to reorganize themselves, with a new game engine and new motivations!
And new money, of course! :rumgone
Blackmark Studios is still doing work behind the scenes.
@Armada's Skyward Digital Indie company is releasing Buccaneers! later this year.
And @Volodymyr is doing the commercial Corsairs Legacy, which will take a few years to reach that point, but does show good promise.

For the most part, this map isn't terribly inaccurate. Certainly not more inaccurate than the PotC NH map. More like more accurate.
Heh; true.
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Attempts were made.
Including one by ourselves here.
Easier said than done...

Blackmark Studios is still doing work behind the scenes.
@Armada's Skyward Digital Indie company is releasing Buccaneers! later this year.
And @Volodymyr is doing the commercial Corsairs Legacy, which will take a few years to reach that point, but does show good promise.

Yes, of course that's easier said ...
But I was hoping for the serious commitment of major studios, or the re-financed and reorganized Akella.
And instead I see that Blackmark Studios and Corsairs Legacy are still insisting on graphics and an engine that have far exceeded the age limits. You can't get blood from turnips! Why not get the "Creation Engine" of Skyrim and Fallout 4, which is also old but still very pleasant on the aesthetic, fluid and functional level. Or, perhaps, an even more modern engine, without risking "Cyberpunk 2077" disasters!
As for "Buccaneers", no offense to Armada, I find it unsatisfactory in graphics.
Mine, however, are purely academic considerations: the reality is always that very few of the "Big" are interested in videogames on Pirates and navigation; perhaps opinion polls show that there is too small a slice of possible users ("niche") to give sufficient guarantees of income.
But I was hoping for the serious commitment of major studios, or the re-financed and reorganized Akella.
Would be nice.
But it's said that Akella is dead.
Developers are scattered to the four winds.

And instead I see that Blackmark Studios and Corsairs Legacy are still insisting on graphics and an engine that have far exceeded the age limits.
Corsairs Legacy is Unity; as is Buccaneers!; as was Hearts of Oak by the end.
As far as I'm aware, that's a perfectly common current engine, so I don't think that is the issue there.

@Armada has a very small Indie studio (3 developers perhaps?) so naturally they have to cut down on anything they can to ensure they manage to deliver something worth releasing at all.
Corsairs Legacy has somewhat more ambitious goals, but @Volodymyr aims (wisely) to learn from the mistakes made in the past by other similar projects.
And so he also simplifies the process all the way down, not even bothering to have sailing in the first game at all.
Of course they'd love to deliver the most epic title ever right out of the gate; but if there's one thing we know, it is that trying to do so = guarantee of failure.

My hope would be that they keep at it for a great many years; maybe end up cooperating one day with each other and/or with us.
And somewhere along the line the graphics quality will be upped once the ball starts properly rolling.

In the end, graphics are mere polishing; but they don't make a game.
I'm glad to see the current developers have their focus on the main base that matters.
It might not be perfect. It might not be as quick as we'd like.
But you don't win a marathon with a sprint.
But you don't win a marathon with a sprint.
True! But this is a marathon that has lasted for twenty years, when the first "Sea Dogs" came out: the engine has been a little updated and lubricated, but it is still the same.
The "sprint" would consist of finishing the marathon, and changing the engine.
On the fact that " graphics are mere polishing; but they don't make a game" I agree in theory, but in practice I like beauty, and around, in current games, there are really beautiful graphics. If we add smoother gameplay, I think no one could complain or regret the old Sea Dogs & Sons "Engine".
The real problem is that there is no one willing to invest money and time in this.
But this is a marathon that has lasted for twenty years, when the first "Sea Dogs" came out: the engine has been a little updated and lubricated, but it is still the same.
I wouldn't really call the past 20 years the marathon.
Whatever did happen, it's been quite unstructured; and the more ambitious efforts fell through altogether.

The "sprint" would consist of finishing the marathon, and changing the engine.
I'd say that's exactly what Mauris is doing with "Corsairs Legacy".
That project seems to be the safest bet for the future.
Unless @Hammie's Storm Engine upgrade ends up WAAAY more successful than anyone could've ever expected.

The real problem is that there is no one willing to invest money and time in this.
It takes more than just money and time to achieve the right outcome.
It takes the right people; enthusiastic people; dedicated people.
Who are willing to make hard choices; do hard work; and who keep at it all the same.
Just for your information, you can access the map in-game in CT by simply pressing the M keyboard button.