This will give you sailing XP even when you do use time compression:
// LDH accumulate sailing experience - 21Dec08
void AccumSailTime()
ref mchr = GetMainCharacter();
// if ( ! IsPerkIntoList("TimeSpeed")) // not in compressed time
// {
if (!CheckAttribute(mchr, "SailingMinutes")) mchr.SailingMinutes = 0;
mchr.SailingMinutes = sti(mchr.SailingMinutes) + 1; // Note: do we want to add more if in battle?
// }
Do you agree we should just do that by default? Why penalize people for speeding this up?
They're already using DirectSail; no need to force them to also just watch the sea for a long time without anything happening.
Anyway, any preferences on the realism settings are easily adjusted in the code files.
One trick you can try:
1. Add the PotC folder to your "Windows Search Index"
2. Search the folder "bArcadeMode" and "IRON_MAN_MODE"
This will show you all instances where the realism settings are set up. Note that "!" in the code means "not".
You can change those code instances to get the game experience you want.
Until I manage to find the time to make separate InternalSettings.h tweaks for them.
So once we add all those separate settings, of course we should also maintain the simple Arcade/Realistic toggle we have.
What do you reckon should be included in Realistic Game Mode?
And should we keep the IRON_MAN_MODE toggle at all or just replace that with separate "uber realism" settings?