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Mod Release Build 14 GAMMA [Last Update: 31st December 2021]

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While I like and try to write British English, I don't know enough of the exact differences to get it fully right. :facepalm

Just a question that came up: Should we make some sort of conscious decision on whether we prefer American or British spelling in the mod?
There doesn't seem much point in correcting everything, but perhaps for new additions we could keep it in the back of our minds...?
Fair warning, my brain is hardwired as British. My attempts at American English have a fair bit of criticism (and laughter).
Heh, learned something new today!
While I like and try to write British English, I don't know enough of the exact differences to get it fully right. :facepalm
Neither did I. I looked that one up in a dictionary to see which one was correct and found out that both are. :D

Just a question that came up: Should we make some sort of conscious decision on whether we prefer American or British spelling in the mod?
There doesn't seem much point in correcting everything, but perhaps for new additions we could keep it in the back of our minds...?
Being British, I prefer British spelling. American contributors will presumably have a different preference. xD It probably doesn't matter so long as any particular dialog file uses only one version.

SE-RI-OUS-LY?!? OK, now you've got me curious! Which line was that? :rofl
"Enc_Walker.h", line 54 (or DLG_TEXT[52]):
"Many travellers that look like vagabonds or beggars are in reality wealthy merchants carrying a lot of money. They disguise themselves as poor people because rich travelers are frequently being robbed."
I like and try to write British English
Fair warning, my brain is hardwired as British. My attempts at American English have a fair bit of criticism (and laughter).
Being British, I prefer British spelling.
^ Looks like there is at least a pretty clear consencus between the three of us.
So in absence of anyone else, I'd say: GO FOR BRITISH! :cheeky

For me, it makes sense if British characters would use British and US ones would be American. But that doesn't sound like it's worth it.
Plus that leaves all those other nations and I don't think getting the Dutch characters to actually speak Dutch is going to be much of an improvement to the game experience! :rofl
It's very much a work in progress, mostly done on the fly, so I'm not surprised there are consistency errors. My goal with Barbossa was to bring the later dialogue in line with the film as much as possible while staying true to the character with the rest of it.
Hmm.. I'll need to re-watch the films, but my impression was that the text in the original file seems more like what I'd expect him to say. For example:
"You takes me on as yer first mate, and we sails for the treasure of Cortez and splits the plunder betweens us."
"Take me on as yer first mate. We sail for the treasure of Cortez and split the plunder betweens us."
But I did notice that Jack Sparrow is a bit less "savvy", which is good; I always thought that the game dialog used the word to excess. "Leverage" is another one. I'm not even sure Sparrow used it at all until Will Turner had used it in reference to the prison door, after which Sparrow referred to using Turner as leverage when talking to Gibbs about future dealing with Barbossa.

(By the way, "dialog" is American and "dialogue" is British. Even so, I'm now in the habit of using the former when referring to the game for no reason other than that's what the folders are called. xD)
(By the way, "dialog" is American and "dialogue" is British. Even so, I'm now in the habit of using the former when referring to the game for no reason other than that's what the folders are called. xD)
I've been doing exactly that for years for exactly the same reason! :rofl
There's always this dilemma for us non-native English speakers. In Europe, the English we are taught in school is mostly British, but when we start learning on our own through films, TV and books, both British and American, we end up a bit confused and mixing both variants.
I am duly chastened. I've changed my text editor for one with a more reliable spellcheck that can still handle plain text files.
To text corrections. I have found few yesterday in the storyline of Hawk. There are mistakes about sloop 'Albion' in it. Ewan Glover is a captain of the light naval brig. So it needs to correct dialogs and Quest book's notes. If i found correct, it is PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\DIALOGS\ENGLISH\Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.h and Ewan Glover_dialog.h at the same directory and RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\ENGLISH\Storyline\standard\QUESTBOOK\Story_2ndTask.txt. There is another one in the last at the line 7: "and right behind the lonely rock we'll see at the beach", is this 'at' unnecessary? Anyway, i have deleted it. If i make no mistake, there are attachments with corrections.


  • Ewan Glover_dialog.h
    4.2 KB · Views: 136
  • Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.h
    28.7 KB · Views: 119
  • Story_2ndTask.txt
    3.7 KB · Views: 140
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Thanks for those! I'll include them in the next update. ("Robert Christopher Silehard_dialog.h" had a few other errors which I've corrected as well.)
The next update is now available:
http://piratesahoy.bowengames.com/potc/Grey Roger/post_August31_fixes.zip

Changes since 3rd May:
  • Various dialogs corrected by @Mad Jack Wolfe and @Serge Grey;
  • Crewmembers ashore whom you ask about skills and hire as officers no longer inflate their starting salaries - thanks, @Pieter Boelen!
  • In "Tales of a Sea Hawk", when Bridgetown is recaptured by Britain, its soldiers properly revert to British uniforms;
  • The swords of Cortes and Francis Drake have new models.
cortes_sword.jpg drake_sword.jpg

@Mad Jack Wolfe: now might be a good time for a new installer, please.


  • Fixes.txt
    8.7 KB · Views: 171
Apologies: that final update wasn't quite as final as I'd hoped. :oops: One of the new swords needed to be shrunk, and I've resized a couple of other imported swords while I was at it. Also, an attempt to have two officers in "Ardent" switch to standard officer dialog when their part in the quest is over didn't work, due to the way that the quest sometimes picks any officer in your party to have a quest-related dialog. Until yesterday it didn't do a proper job of restoring the officer to his original non-quest dialog when the quest had finished - which, incidentally, should also have caused trouble if you put a randomly hired officer into the number 1 slot.

I've updated the update on the FTP site with the new changes.
No worries! It didn't change the overall compare report at all. I'm adding all the new files (and there's a fairly great whack of them) into the script. Changes to existing files aren't a concern, as I'll merge the updates into the staging repository and re-compile the whole kit and kaboodle.
A quick progress update: I only have the sounds and textures left to add to the installer script. This release is adding 1661 new files, not counting update files.

EDIT: OK, the script is complete and ready for me to debug. Since I can't see anything but glowing lines in front of my eyes, I'll worry about it tomorrow.
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A quick progress update: I only have the sounds and textures left to add to the installer script. This release is adding 1661 new files, not counting update files.
If I understand correctly, there is a way to add ALL files to the script using wildcards.
I never tried that before, but it sounds potentially useful.
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