• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. Mr. Pett

    Hms Resolution

    Sorry. It is the Resolution from 1667. Build by sir Anthony Deane. A 70gun thirdrate
  2. Mr. Pett

    Hms Resolution

  3. Mr. Pett

    HMS Prince

    The porting in to Maya and than to. GM file should be no problem. Years ago I worked with maya 5 and maya 2010. When only guns and lids are missing...
  4. Mr. Pett

    HMS Prince

    I'm using 3ds max and I would really try to complete her!
  5. Mr. Pett

    HMS Prince

  6. Mr. Pett

    HMS Prince

    WIP - 1st Rate HMS Prince modeled by James Rosenkranz | PiratesAhoy!
  7. Mr. Pett

    HMS Prince

    Hello to all! Where can I download the Prince? I would try to finish her. Regards Mr. Pett