• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Search results

  1. D

    Mod Release Gentlemen Of Fortune 2.0

    Hi. Looking forward to test this mod, but with the new patch coming soon I do wonder. Will the new patch be save game compatible? IE: can I safely start a new game today :)
  2. D

    Bug Demasting=CTD?

    As I said in the first post, it is random yet rather frequent. It crashes WAY more than in say vanilla or even pre 1.2. In a larger battle I am pretty much guaranteed to go through several CTDs. As is it has for me turned unplayable. Only solution I see is either -make the masts tougher (tried...
  3. D

    Bug Demasting=CTD?

    I use GOF 1.2 + patch 1
  4. D

    Bug Demasting=CTD?

    Hi! Been enjoying GOF for a good while, excellent work! Now I have noticed something that might be a reason for many CTDs. It seems to me that the game CTDs randomly when I have a ship demast an opponent. I must admit I cannot recall if this was a problem before I started using class 1-3...