• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Recent content by Alphasailor

  1. A

    Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

    I am still having an issue with loosing crew when I capture a surrendered vessel. Is this normal in the game?
  2. A

    Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

    Possible bug with surrendered ships I seem to be loosing men during the battle sequence for surrendered ships. Starting with 600 or so men and ending up with 400... even though no fight actually occurred Anyone else notice this?
  3. A

    Solved Cannonball damages

    I was finding that on large crew ships that the regular cannon ball type was killing more crew than I felt was realistic. Could anyone point me to where I could change cannon ball damages for the various types (ie ball, grapes, knipples, bombs) and not just the cannon types.
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    Mod Release GOF Historical Eras Module #2

    One other note about ships that strike colors.... I had one ship strike colors with more crew than I had, still fought back once boarded which lead to my loss, so I reverted back to my save and gave them a manual broadside to weaken them up a bit more only to find that it reduced my reputation...